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Free Tips On How To Compose Dissertation Acknowledgments

Acknowledgement is a piece of writing where writer says thank you to everyone who aided their support in pursuing the research work. This page appears immediately after the title page; however some professors want it to be after the abstract page. Ensure that you follow the instructor’s guidelines cautiously to stay in tune with the professor’s requirements.

Free tips for composing the acknowledgement page

Since it helps in giving credit to all the anonymous hands, ensure that you follow the usual format of writing.

  • Ensure that you include each significant person who was part of your dissertation writing process. It includes-
    • Your academic staff
    • Researchers
    • Your supervisor or advisor
    • Your librarian
    • Students
    • Colleagues
    • Interviewees
    • Friends
    • Family
    • Or anybody else who had a significant impact towards the success of your dissertation. Make sure you mention their names to make them feel special.
  • Ensure that you include this piece of writing only when it is demanded as not all pieces of research works demand this.
  • It is not possible to include each and every single person in your writing, hence prepare a list in order of their importance and then write.
  • You can refer to your supervisor for including the names of certain people in the academic realm.
  • Do not include the name of any person just because they will feel offended if not made part of your acknowledgement.
  • Only that names should be included who have contributed greatly towards your dissertation.
  • The acknowledgement should be written in a paragraph format and not in bullet points.
  • Write down unusual contribution by stating the name. You can also use a cheeky reminder for people from whom you have learnt the research skills.
  • Write in a conversational tone but avoid using any profane language.
  • One thing that should be strictly avoided is using hate gesture even if someone did a set back to you and hurt you badly with wrong intentions whether annoying professor or friend as it will give an impression of a whining teenager and not a well matured adult.
  • Try to make your acknowledgement personal. Avoid using too long list of names. Instead mention the names if they were humorous and hooked you up with the surrounding keeping monotony miles away. You can show special thanks to the assistant that stood for you whenever you needed him and offered a strong moral support when you felt like leaving your research work in between.

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